10X1000A3 - Clip On Extensometer

The Testometric tower extensometers, DE-A3 for
elastomers and 10×1000-A3 for rigid plastics can be
mounted on all Testometric models of universal tester
column. This enables the units to be quickly swung
into position for testing and equally rapidly to be safely
parked to allow other fixtures to be used. The twin
counter-balanced arms drive digital encoders which
precisely measure the differential movement of the
grips, resolving to 10 microns.
The 10×1000-A3 is additionally fitted with a high
accuracy linear transducer which is measures the first
10mm of movement before steplessly switching over
to the digital encoders for full frame travel. The gauge
length can be changed to suit various test standards
and sample contact grips of different types are
included. The quick cam action grips are spring loaded
but both models can be fitted with foot operated
pneumatic clamps for difficult applications.